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All that you need to think about RFID tag technology

RFID technology consists of a tag or a transponder, an antenna and a computer where you store all the information. The tags are detectable from a distance of several feet and can scan multiple items together. An RFID system can be broken down into two main components. The first component is the RFID tag which transmits data as radio signals. The second is the RFID reader itself, which receives, converts and then stores these radio signals as usable information. How does RFID technology transmit information? To understand how information can be passed remotely, sometimes spanning long distances, we need to understand waves. A wave is a disturbance that travels through space or a medium such as air or water. What’s transmitted through the medium is energy, which travels in the form of regular pulses. The distance between these pulses is the wavelength, while the time between pulses determines the wave frequency. The frequency affects the physical properties of the wave. RFID use